Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Literacy and New Technologies

Tonight's presentation is on Literacy and New Technologies.  
You're encouraged to follow along on your laptop and click through the various links and resources at your own pace.
For a brief introduction on the topic, watch the youtube video below.

Click Play-Click Play-Click Play-Click Play-Click Play-Click Play

In the comment section below, please write a few words, thoughts, or questions you might have about  
Literacy and New Technologies.
(Don't worry - You can comment anonymously)

Click HERE when you're done and wait for further instruction.


  1. The discussion around digital literacies modes of communication brings to mind Marshall McLuhan's notion of the "medium is the message." How information is presented is equally as important as the actual information.

  2. Excellent overview of literacy and new technologies, Great job ladies! :)

  3. Agreed. Insightful view on technologies in relation to student engagement and pedagogies.

  4. I like being able to interact with other folks in the class and find work on the web as distracting and alienating; however, there is also potential for creating new communities and spaces for learning. Accessibility is a big question here also, does this type of learning take into account different abilities that students may have.

    ps. I am on facebook right now too. ; )

  5. I have seen my students' motivation and engagement with literacy change quite drastically by using technology in the classroom, such as an ELMO machine, SMARTBoards, computers/laptops, etc.

  6. I like the idea of using technology to transform traditional classroom practices instead of simply enhancing them

  7. Motivation and engagement are positive outcomes, yet there is little said in regards to adverse reactions, such as the stares you receive when you ask students to get out a pencil and actually write something down...
